I have my favorite gluten-free foods and tend to stick with them. I don’t do a lot of experimenting so it is a bit surprising that 3 “new for me” products have been added to my repertoire.

Andean Dream brand Coconut Quinoa Cookies

These cookies are my new favorites. I love quinoa and coconut so this is a perfect combination. These cookies have a nice crunch and are not overly sweet. Even though they are only about 1 1/2 to 2 inches in diameter they come individually wrapped and are convenient to take along in a purse, briefcase, or backpack as a snack. In addition to being gluten free these cookies also are milk free, corn free, egg free, soy free, nut free, and peanut free. Order them directly from the company or The Gluten-Free Mall.

Enjoy Life Foods brand No Nuts Beach Bash Trail Mix

When I was growing up in Alaska trail mix was known as “gorp” and we took it everywhere–skiing, hiking, biking. According to many online sources, the Oxford English Dictionary defines gorp as meaning “to eat greedily.” Trust me, that’s just what you’ll do with this trail mix. It is full of sunflower kernels, pumpkin seeds, dried pineapple, cranberries, and apricots. Trail mix may be ordered from The Gluten-Free Mall or Amazon. Products from Enjoy Life Foods also are widely available in natural foods stores.

Cherrybrook Kitchen Gluten-Free Pancake and Waffle Mix (www.cherrybrookkitchen.com)

I normally would not promote the use of any gluten-free mix that lists white rice flour as its first ingredient. I far prefer products made with whole grains. BUT, these pancakes also are egg free and milk free and still delicious. Plus, this line of mixes is available in my small-town grocery store. Actually, I wasn’t the first one in my house to purchase this product. My husband discovered this mix and made pancakes for me one morning. How could I not love them (or him)?!

If you have some new favorite products please let me know!

Copyright © by Tricia Thompson, MS, RD

Article originally published May, 2010. Updated February 2, 2011.

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Three New Gluten-Free Favorites: Cookies & More!