If you currently have any NuGo Dark: Mint Chocolate Chip bars please note that while this bar is labeled gluten free it contains malt ingredients. The ingredients “soy crisp nuggets” and “chocolate rice crisp” contain malt and malt extract, respectively.

INGREDIENTS: Dark Chocolate (unsweetened chocolate, sugar, cocoa butter, vanilla extract), Soy Crisp Nuggets (isolated soy protein, rice flour, malt and salt), Tapioca Syrup, Agave Syrup, Chocolate Rice Crisp (rice flour, cocoa powder, sugar, malt extract), Whole Oats, Isolated Soy Protein, Cocoa Powder, Soy Lecithin, Natural Flavor, Peppermint Oil and Acacia Gum.

The good news: Next week (week including January 10, 2011) the company begins production on a reformulated bar that will no longer contain malt ingredients. However, according to the company, packaging material (with malt ingredients still listed) will stay the same until later this year. So, how will you know in the short term whether the bar you have is the reformulated variety—contact the company–they will be able to tell you based on the “best by” date.

Alert: NuGo Dark: Mint Chocolate Chip Bars