If you have celiac disease, do you really need to worry about gluten in hair styling products? Let’s take a logical look at this issue. Remember that parts per million of gluten is a proportion—ppm tells you how many parts
Personal Care Products: Do you need to worry about gluten? UPDATE
Please see update below. The bottom line: There is no scientific evidence that the use of gluten-containing products that are not ingested is harmful to persons with celiac disease. This includes individuals with dermatitis herpetiformis. According to Dr. Alessio Fasano,
Gluten in Cosmetics: Results of Testing on Lipsticks and Lotions
My colleague Thomas Grace and I recently published test results on the gluten content of two lotions and four lipsticks containing gluten derived ingredients (Gluten in Cosmetics: Is There a Reason for Concern? Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and
Personal Care Products: Do You Need to Worry About Gluten?
The bottom line: There is no scientific evidence that the use of gluten-containing products that are not ingested is harmful to persons with celiac disease. This includes individuals with dermatitis herpetiformis. According to Dr. Alessio Fasano, Medical Director of the