What follows is a listing of articles I have written on the gluten-free diet. I have included abstracts from PubMed (US National Library of Medicine) and links where available. If you have questions about any of these articles please email me at: triciathompson@glutenfreedietitian.com.


Tricia Thompson, Rhonda Kane, Mary Hager. Food allergen labeling and consumer protection act. Journal of the American Dietetic Association. 2006;106:1742-1744.

PubMed abstract

Tricia Thompson. National Institutes of Health consensus statement on celiac disease. Journal of the American Dietetic Association. 2005;105:194-195.

PubMed abstract

Nutritional quality of the gluten-free diet

Tricia Thompson, Melinda Dennis, Laurie Higgins, Anne Lee, Mary K Sharrett. Gluten-free diet survey: are Americans with coeliac disease consuming recommended amounts of fibre, iron, calcium and grain foods? Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics. 2005;18:163-169.

Blackwell Publishing abstract

Tricia Thompson. Thiamin, riboflavin, and niacin contents of the gluten-free diet: is there cause for concern? Journal of the American Dietetic Association. 1999;99:858-862.

PubMed abstract

Tricia Thompson. Folate, iron, and dietary fiber contents of the gluten-free diet. Journal of the American Dietetic Association. 2000;100:1389-1396.

PubMed abstract


Tricia Thompson. Gluten contamination of commercial oat products in the United States. New England Journal of Medicine. 2004;351:2021-2022.

NEJM full text

Tricia Thompson. Oats and the gluten-free diet. Journal of the American Dietetic Association. 2003;103:376-379.

The abstract from PubMed is provided below.

“Whether oats should be included in a gluten-free diet has been debated for half a century. In 1995, the largest and most scientifically rigorous study on the safety of oats was published. Investigators concluded that the consumption of oats was safe for adults with celiac disease. Since 1995, several additional studies have been published. Without exception, these investigations found no adverse effects associated with the regular consumption of moderate amounts of oats. However, there are concerns among some authorities on celiac disease that even if oats themselves are safe, they nonetheless may be contaminated with wheat, rye, or barley. Unfortunately, the extent to which contamination of commercial oat products occurs is not known. Ideally, if a patient appears likely to use oats, they should be advised to consume only those products tested and found to be free of contamination.”

PubMed abstract

Tricia Thompson. Do oats belong in a gluten-free diet? Journal of the American Dietetic Association. 1997;97:1413-1416.

The abstract from PubMed is provided below.

“Celiac disease is an intolerance to protein fractions in wheat, rye, barley, and possibly oats. When these grains are consumed by a person with celiac disease, they damage the mucosa of the small intestine, which eventually leads to malabsorption of nutrients. Patients are therefore advised to remove these grains from their diet, with lifelong adherence generally suggested. Although many dietitians and physicians consider this dietary prescription to be standard protocol, it is actually quite controversial. Whether oats can safely be consumed by persons with celiac disease has been debated since the gluten-free diet was first advocated more than 40 years ago. Historically, there have been several reasons for this debate, including the difficulty in identifying the precise amino acid sequence in gliadin that is responsible for toxicity; the differences in cereal chemistry between wheat and oats; and the lack of well-designed studies to assess the toxicity of oats. A growing body of evidence now suggests that moderate amounts of oats may be safely consumed by most adults with celiac disease. If further research continues to find no adverse effects from oat consumption, a consensus may emerge on the place of oats in the gluten-free diet. In the meantime, individual dietary prescriptions, routinely assessed for appropriateness using histologic and/or serologic studies, may be warranted to prevent unnecessary dietary restrictiveness and undesirable medical complications.”

PubMed abstract

Wheat starch

Tricia Thompson. Wheat starch, gliadin, and the gluten-free diet. Journal of the American Dietetic Association. 2001;101:1456-1459.

The abstract from PubMed is provided below.

“Individuals with celiac disease generally are advised to follow a lifelong gluten-free diet and avoid consumption of the prolamins gliadin (wheat), secalin (rye), and hordein (barley). Although the designation of the diet as glutenfree may imply that the diet contains zero gluten, this is not necessarily true. In some countries (eg, United States, Canada), the gluten-free diet is completely devoid of gluten and is based on foods such as rice and corn that are naturally gluten free. In others (eg, Scandinavia, United Kingdom), the gluten-free diet may include foods such as wheat starch that have been rendered gluten free but nonetheless contain small amounts of toxic prolamins. The discrepancy in the use of foods rendered gluten free exists because the amount of toxic prolamins that individuals with celiac disease may consume without damaging the mucosa of the small intestine is unknown. Minimal research has been conducted on the toxicity of foods rendered gluten free, and there are no definitive data about whether the small amount of prolamin found in these products is safe to consume. Nonetheless, the Codex Alimentarius Standard for gluten-free foods allows a certain amount of prolamin in foods designated gluten free, and these products have been used in many countries for several decades. Well-designed, scientifically sound studies are needed to help determine the amount of toxic prolamins, if any, that may be safely consumed by individuals with celiac disease. Until this research is conducted, dietitians in the United States should continue to advise their patients against the use of wheat starch and other foods rendered gluten free.”

PubMed abstract


Tricia Thompson. Questionable foods and the gluten-free diet: survey of current recommendations. Journal of the American Dietetic Association. 2000;100:463-465.

Pubmed abstract

Scientific Articles